Circontrol is one step closer to become self-sufficient regarding all its energy needs: during this March, the company has been able to cover half of its headquarters’ energetic needs with completely green energy provided by its own solar panels. This achievement has been completed not only by using the potential of its photovoltaic generation, but also thanks to several systems of energy reusing. As a whole, the monitoring and analysis of the data collected about the energy needs of Circontrol’s facilities will be key to know how the company acquires and uses the electricity, in order to be more efficient and sustainable.
This control about the energy comes as a result of a cascade of several actions from the company in order to gather all the possible data about its energy expenditure and control the energy flow at its facilities. As part of this series of efforts, the manufacturer has been installing toroidal transformers, converters and meters which send the data to a software, where the technicians can interpret and analyse all the information. As a result, more than 30 metering points have been installed all over Circontrol’s facilities to monitor where the energy comes from, where it goes and how much of it is spent.
And the results are very positive, as last weeks’ measurements show that some of the points related to energy management at Circontrol, such as the photovoltaic production, are undoubtedly efficient. In fact, most of noontimes, Circontrol’s facilities produce more energy than needed, adding extra electricity to the general grid. As a consequence, company’s experts say, between middle February and middle March 2023 half of the energy consumed at Circontrol was green energy. With this feat, thanks to the almost 170 kW that its solar inverters are able to produce, the company shows its commitment contributing globally to the energy decarbonization and the improvement of the air quality.
On the other hand, it is also worth noting the role of electrical reuse and reinjection processes in areas such as Circontrol’s laboratory or production lines. These processes allow to use the same amount of energy more than once making it flow again through the internal grid, thus making possible to lower the energy requirements at the facilities regardless of where this energy comes from (general grid or photovoltaic production). These proceedings not only allow the company to become more sustainable, but also they help to lower a high economic energy cost for the firm by reducing and flattening the consumption curve of the energy extracted from the grid.